Issue 1
5th August 2011
Written by Dave Verwer
Welcome to Issue 1 of iOS Dev Weekly! I have been really enjoying receiving a round up of weekly tech news by email recently and so inspired by Ruby Weekly, JavaScript Weekly and the iPhone Games Bulletin I decided to create a similar email for iOS development news.
If you have any links you would like to suggest for future issues then please tweet me with them or reply to this mail.
Network Link Conditioner in LionEver needed to test poor 3G or EDGE network conditions without going and standing on top of a hill in Scotland? Matt Gemmell finds a new preference pane included in Xcode 4.1 to simulate poor network conditions.
The Xcode 4.1 Review
A comprehensive look at the changes in Xcode 4.1 with Lion. Also worth checking out the super mega awesome review of Xcode 4 if you have not already read it.
Show TODOs And FIXMEs As Warnings In Xcode 4
Nice little tip from Jake Marsh for getting Xcode 4 to show all of those TODO comments that are so easy to forget about as warnings when you build.
An iOS Developer Takes on Android
A fairly comprehensive and fair look at the differences between iOS and Android development.
Xcode Snippet Management
Maybe iCloud will allow Xcode snippets to be sync’ed between machines when it launches, but for now Luke Redpath brings us a ruby gem which can help.
How To Use Custom Classes With Core Data Without FearAn overview of your options for generating or building model objects with Core Data from Doug Sjoquist.
Abusing UIViewControllers
A concise look at some of the problems that can come from shoehorning multiple view controllers into a single screen on iOS. Luckily, this situation is going to be much less of a problem soon.
iOS Integration Testing
A simple iOS app automation and integration testing framework from Square.
Business and Marketing
iOS devs put out a call to unite against Lodsys, other patent trollsAppsterdam kick starts an initiative to fight back against Lodsys and Intellectual Ventures targeting indie developers. Also check out this short podcast with Scotty and Mike Lee .
Consumers Spend Average of $14 per Transaction in iOS and Android Freemium Games
Statistics from Flurry (the analytics company) highlights some interesting stats around in-app purchase prices.