Talking of iCloud, Parse is shaping up to be a very nice competitor to it with the added bonus of not needing iOS 5.
Alternative icons for multiple Xcode versions. Apple should really do this for the beta releases but until that happens this should put an end to the confusion.
One for the beginners, this is an excellently written article from Steffen Itterheim with a great look at getting started with Xcode debugging.
Simply the clearest and best explanation of ARC that I have seen so far. Fascinating.
More ARC, this time from Jiva DeVoe who has been looking into ARC and exceptions.
Ole Begemann on saving significant amounts of memory loading images if you just need to get at the metadata.
This week seems to be image performance techniques week as Oliver Drobnik takes a look at image loading performance. I never thought to run pngcrush on the server, clever.
Jamie Montgomerie with a fascinating bit of internet archaeology digging into modern syntax for Objective-C. An old post but it came up this week after a discussion at the NSScotland conference (which was excellent!).