Issue 2
12th August 2011
Written by Dave Verwer
So here it is, Issue 2! Thanks so much for the fantastic response to last week’s round up. The list already has over 850 subscribers which is unbelievable! Let’s see if we can break 1,000 by next week?
If you have any links you would like to suggest for future issues then please tweet me with them or reply to this mail.
Dave Verwer
iOS 5.0 Beta 5 Release NotesJust in case you missed it this week here are the release notes for iOS 5.0b5. NDA helpfully broken by BGR as I can’t find a way to get a deep link to the official version of these without it breaking when logging into the developer portal.
It may be too early to link to this but if it does what it promises then this could be a neat way of getting a server back end up and running quickly for your iOS apps. The site itself is in private beta at the moment but you can see an interview with the founders here which gives a little more information.
Less code, less effortBrent Simmons with a great little collection of tips for writing smart code and coding smartly!
Pre-built iOS Static Libraries
Need a version of OpenSSL or cURL for your iOS app? This google code project provides pre built versions of several libraries along with instructions on how to easily integrate them. Great idea.
Make Keychain as easy to use as NSUserDefaults
A super simple to use class for writing to the keychain as if it were a (string only) version of NSUserDefaults. It won’t be useful for every time you need the keychain but I thought it was cute enough to include.
Transient Entities and Core Data
Saul Mora on dealing with temporary core data objects when a plain old Objective-C object just won’t do.
For those of us that are going to really miss retain and release when ARC comes along. Hilarious. (Hat tip for the date picked for the code sample as well!)
The Growing User and the Perennial BeginnerSimplicity vs Depth, Lukas Mathis on thinking about your audience before adding features to your app. He talks mainly about Mac apps in the article but I think this is possibly even more relevant to small screen devices.
iOS Design Weekly
I will occasionally link design related articles like the one above but Nathan Barry let me know about a similar list to this which he has set up for iOS design related links.
Business and Marketing
Apple to Lodsys: you’ll have to go through us to sue iOS devsI can’t imagine a weekly round up these days that doesn’t include a story about software patents. Apple seems to be insisting on getting involved with the Lodsys patent cases. Good news. You might also want to check out Marco’s post on software patents from yesterday too.
iOS Versions in the Wild
Are you still supporting iOS 3? 2? I wish Apple provided definitive stats for iOS version usage but until they do this is a nice round up of the most recent stats from various sources.
iOS App Review Sites
A comprehensive list of sites which cover iOS apps, listed by Alexa ranking. More importantly it includes submission forms/email addresses for a good number of sites (Apologies for the slightly spammy site, however the content is good).