podcast on RadioLab is really worth a listen as well. Of course, none of this is going to be news to you but it’s probably something we should all spend more time thinking about.
Just over a week to go. Whether you’re going to the show, or whether you’re heading to AltConf or Layers. Enjoy the week and here’s a few tips from me this year:
I would also have recommended going to the lunchtime “brown bag” sessions which can really be one of the conference highlights but I can’t see them on the schedule this year. I hope they haven’t been dropped.
Dave Verwer
As usual, Adam Swinden is keeping an unofficial list of everyone who wants to indicate that they’ll be in San Francisco (ticket or no ticket). Alongside the Google Doc and map, there’s also a Slack which might come in handy if you’re looking to organise meetups or events during the week.
So. Many. Parties… Crazy. You can’t go to them all, but you should go to some. Grab the app or follow WWDCParties on Twitter for details.
Great post by Sam Marshall on xcconfig files. It’s possible you haven’t dug into them at all yet as there is very little documentation on them. However, they are gaining popularity and can make the settings for your app much more readable and explicit.
Remember BugShot? Well it has a new home and a new release! It’s still a great way to quickly annotate and share a screenshot on iOS.
Radek Pietruszewski has an amazingly easy way to improve how your text labels render on the watch. It comes down to using an attributed string with the right paragraph style and boom hyphenated text, that simple. 👍
Another helpful tip, this time relating to Split View Controllers and iOS 8. Turns out it’s pretty easy to change the default width of 320 points for the Master View. Keith Harrison has the details on which properties to change and the gotchas related to getting this working.
Russ Bishop explores some little known and undocumented Swift Attributes. @availability looks to be useful for cross platform code. Can anyone help Russ with some of the other obscure ones?
An interesting walkthrough from Victor Baro on recreating the rubber band effect for views in iOS and the maths used to get it right. Don’t miss the project on Github which has all the code and demos of the effects as well. Playgrounds are really proving useful for tweaking and getting animations just right.
The title of this post might make you think it should be in the code section, and sure enough you should definitely check out the code that they open sourced but the post is more about the design. Oh, and I love that loading animation, just gorgeous. Worth a read.
This, very comprehensive list of tech focused news outlets, along with all sorts of information about them is an incredible resource. From Twitter handles, an idea of how much traffic they get, what categories and platforms they cover, but most importantly, how they prefer to be contacted/pitched. It’s so important to approach journalists in the way they like to be approached and all the information is here.
Yes, you’re not Apple. Yes, this isn’t a practical article on things you can do to help your business. However, what it is is a long and detailed look at the Apple PR machine and you should read it anyway. 😄
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See you all there in just over a week!