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Issue 259

15th July 2016

Written by Dave Verwer


UPDATE: It looks like the new tool is getting the results of its library analysis wrong. Please treat treat my conclusions below as incorrect. Sorry!

I was sent a link to this new tool for showing the most popular libraries in the top 200 free apps this week. The results are worth a look, but what I found interesting was how things have changed since the very similar analysis from Ryan Olson 9 months ago.

The most significant thing I noticed was in the networking libraries, and what they say about Swift adoption. When the original analysis was done, AFNetworking (Objective-C) was in the #3 spot and AlamoFire (Swift) was not even included on the list. Now, AlamoFire is at the #3 spot and AFNetworking has fallen to #11. The report claims that 62% of the top 200 apps include AlamoFire, and therefore Swift code. Ryan’s analysis found that only 11% included Swift at all when he did his investigation. That’s amazing progress in less than a year. 🚀

Now, the two sets of analysis were done by different people, probably with different tools and so this could well be an incorrect conclusion to draw. However, if the results are accurate this is a great sign that Swift is being adopted in larger and more well established apps as well as new ones. Interesting!

Dave Verwer


New stuff from WWDC 2016

Kuba Suder with his annual list of everything that was announced at WWDC. When you look at it like this, I dare anyone to ask “What have Apple been doing since last year?” 😄

WWDC16 Video Transcripts

Full transcripts for every session, and the best bit is that you can click any sentence and have the video jump directly to that point. The only downside is that that it’s not searchable (to the best of my knowledge) but luckily we still have ASCIIwwdc for that. The best of both worlds!


FileKit: Simple and expressive file management in Swift

With Swift, we lost (easy) access to the various path helper methods of NSString. Of course you can still get at them by casting to NSString but how about a more Swift friendly library for working with paths? FileKit by Cihat Gündüz is exactly that and adds even more functionality than the old NSString methods provided.

Why we put an app in the Android Play Store using Swift

Can you include Swift code in your Android app? Yes, you can. The flowkey app is mainly hybrid, but some of the code needed to be written natively to keep performance up. This article gives a bit of background and is then followed by a couple of more technical articles on how they did it, and how to use the JNI with Swift.

Efficient iOS Version Checking

How are you gating code for different OS versions? There have been many techniques for this over the years so it might be worth brushing up on them. Of course, if you’re in Swift it’s easy with #available but things aren’t quite so clean in Objective-C.

Using a Core Data Model in Swift Playgrounds

Can you use your Core Data model in a Swift playground? Kinda. Andrew Bancroft has a walkthrough of how to get things up and running.


Apple’s design style in iOS 10 is a statement on accessibility

While you might not notice it at first glance, there have been some big changes in the UI between iOS 9 and 10. Thin fonts are out and buttons with filled backgrounds are back in. Of course, this is good for the operating system but it could make a real difference for accessibility. The thick fonts caused a bit of chatter after the keynote, but the changes are much bigger than that, and I like them.

What Makes a Good Transition?

I still miss the animation from iOS 6 and earlier where the photo would fly down into the camera roll icon. 🚀

Business and Marketing

Guilty of Being Stupid

I’m a big fan of email (surprising, right? 😄). If done right, it’s an amazing marketing tool that produces real results. In this episode of the Release Notes podcast Charles Perry and Joe Cieplinski talk about techniques they are trying for making better use of their email lists. It’s not all just about “sending a newsletter” too, they cover content marketing and running a drip campaign as well.


Making a CocoaPod

Ever packaged any of your code into a CocoaPod? If not, Sean McNeil has a great talk here on how to do it.

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And finally...

Why are my UI tests failing?

It seems like it happens about 50% of the time… 😆