Issue 27
3rd February 2012
Written by Dave Verwer
DocSets for iOSPurest awesome from Ole Zorn this week with his offline documentation viewer for iPhone and iPad.
New Videos at
I hadn’t noticed these new videos inspired by the recent Apple tech talks go online, great if you were one of the many who were not lucky enough to get a ticket.
I’ve changed my mind about Xcode snapshotsSteven Fisher with an interesting use case for Xcode snapshots. I switched this on when I read about it earlier this week and certainly haven’t noticed any speed or other issues but I also haven’t found myself going back to a snapshot either so they may still be as useless as they previously were.
Luke Redpath released an early version of a ruby gem this week for helping with the xcodebuild command line tool. I especially liked the way it tidies the xcodebuild output.
Siri, please xcodearchive this project
Talking of Xcode and the command line, this is another ruby script from Guillaume Cerquant which will generate a .ipa from an Xcode project and archive it along with the debug symbols. Neat.
FTCoreTextI saw Francesco Frison talk at the London iOS Developer meeting this week about his Core Text wrapper class. Looks like a great to get some simple text rendering without needing to get too involved with CT.
The Problem With The iOS Home ScreenAn interesting look from Federico Viticci of MacStories at the problems facing the iOS home screen as we progress towards the 6th release of iOS. Has it really been almost 5 years since iOS was released? Wow.
How Designers Can Help Developers
Some great tips in here from Matt Gemmell for working with a designer and for the designers working with you.
Path puts a silly amount of trust in its avatars
I really love most of the Path UI, but I have certainly noticed the almost total reliance on avatars rather than names. An interesting design choice.