Jeff Johnson with a interesting piece on whether both Swift and Objective-C can both survive within the Apple development environment. I won’t try and summarise the article here but he certainly brings up some really tough questions. I don’t think this is a decision that needs to be made very quickly, but can you really see Apple still maintaining both in 5 years? 10 years? 15?
Keith Harrison on implementing the Hashable protocol in your classes. The implementation of the protocol itself is of course very simple, but the additional information on choosing between hashing functions and avoiding collisions is fascinating.
Refactoring? Radical refactoring? or maybe … Rewriting?! I really liked this article by Rob Napier who argues that even if you stick by Joel’s rule of what you should never do you can still actually refactor an entire project, over time. It’ll take you a long time but throughout the process you’ll have working, maintainable software. It’s obviously only for extreme cases, but I think the approach is solid if you find yourself there.
Talking of refactoring, Jesse Squires gives us some fairly straightforward but still useful advice on how best to get rid of those singletons that are dotted around your app. I really liked his point about using Swift’s optional parameters to do “partial” DI as well. Good read.
Custom collection view transitions have been around for an age now, but if you just want a selection of pre-canned transitions between paged cells then you could definitely do worse than this very pretty set from Jin Wang.
Angie Li with an interesting article on the UI problems caused by “Swipe to delete” or “Swipe to [something]” in apps. There’s a huge number of points to be made against this design but at the same time, if managed well it can still be very effective. I think a good way to look at this is to make sure anything in this kind of UI is also able to be accessed elsewhere in the app. Think of them like keyboard shortcuts for your more advanced users.
Marina Yalanska with a round up of great talks on design from conferences over the last few years. There are some absolute gems in here.
Paul Stringer talking about acceptance using FitNesse, an acceptance test tool which doesn’t automate UI.
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Alex Denisov hacking some new colours into Stickies.