What if you could dynamically build your Xcode project file dynamically from a “source” YML file and the content of your file system? Well, if you’d like to see what that’d look like then look no further! 🚀
Merrick Sapsford with a UIPageViewController replacement that solves some really common problems with the original class such as infinite scrolling and better data source/delegate controls. Looks great.
Matt Gallagher with a fascinating history of MVC on Apple platforms. Starting with Smalltalk and bringing us right up to date, and even looking at possibilities for the future. He also asks the question of whether the pattern we’ve been happily using for the last 20 years is still good enough.
Soroush Khanlou with a fantastic post on how you can avoid adding additional, optional properties to your view controllers as they grow.
Ole Begemann with a very smart technique for making your implementations of Equatable more robust by using dump
I linked to Lottie, the animation framework from AirBnB just a few issues ago and now it’s been followed up with a repository of freely downloadable animations for the library. The only issue is that there’s no mention of what license the files that are being downloaded have but I’m sure that’ll get sorted out soon.
Naema Baskanderi with a great article on making sure you don’t overuse animations, or slow users down with them. There’s some good, practical advice in here.
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