Sign up to Bitrise and deploy your iOS app in minutes.
This is a fantastic resource from Paul Hudson. Pick two versions of Swift and instantly get a list of what’s changed between them. If you’ve got a project that you haven’t touched since Swift 2.1, first of all you have my sympathies 🤪 but at least this site is going to make that transition a bit easier.
Are you waiting for a “Marzipan” or similar framework from Apple to get started with macOS development? Brent Simmons thinks you’re probably already closer to being a Mac developer than you think.
This is really cool. Over time your projects (especially if you work on a large app) are going to accumulate code which is no longer used. This tool finds that code and adds warnings to Xcode for what it finds. Sounds like a good idea to me.
David Smith not only celebrated a bit of a milestone this week 🎉but also wrote about a little technique he has for identifying which testing watch device is paired with which phone.
Downloading the content of your app container is slow and awkward, so why bother? What a very helpful tip from Ole Begemann.
This gist by Laura Savino can be summed up by simply saying “The Swift compiler is still very much in development”. 😂
I linked to Dave DeLong’s original 4 part set of posts a few months ago, and this week he followed it up with another part (and also a conference talk) on how his thinking has progressed in the time since the original articles.
This is a fantastic article by Lola Priego. Yes, I know it’s about Android and not iOS but the principles apply just fine across both platforms. This statement also really spoke to me:
Offline is a status, not an error
Details like how an app deals with being offline can turn a good app into a truly great one.
Are you doing heavy work with GCD in your app? Originally based on this twitter thread it ended up as a more structured gist. You won’t need this if you’re just doing basic async work with GCD, but if you’re spinning out thousands of tasks then read on.
I’ve not really much more to say about this than I really like this idea. Of course having a separate test target should still be an option, but I love both the idea of inline tests, and also documentation based tests.
This repository of tips from John Sundell has been around for well over a year now, but I only came across it this week… I’m always late! 😀 What is it? 79 (and counting!) bite sized tips for Swift development, that’s what!
Nathan Gitter on how to sniff out a non-native app. I love looking for the little details like the ones found in this article. Oh and no, I’m not going to make comment on this week’s hot conversation, and I’m linking this not with any judgement on what you choose to develop with, but purely as an interesting article. 😬
It’s similar to Pttrns, Mobie Patterns and the sadly defunct Capptivate but what I like about Mobbin is that you can organise the screenshots by either the pattern they are implementing, or the app name to see the feature in context.
Max Seelemann being interviewed on the ChartMogul podcast by Ed Shelley. This is very open and honest interview from Max with loads of information that’s worth digging into if you’re considering a subscription business model.
Yes, the AppBuilders conference was less than two weeks ago and yes, the videos are all available already. Pretty impressive! There are some really fantastic talks here.
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Nailed it… 😂