speedscope app.
Ole Begemann on the new @dynamicMemberLookup
feature of Swift 4.2. It’s interesting to see the TensorFlow team driving features like this towards Swift. The feature itself is probably not going to be one that you should go crazy with (please!), but it in certain cases it’ll definitely be a benefit.
First they come for your nil values with Optional, then they come for your empty collections with NonEmpty. Where will it end? 😂
Described as a precise, type-safe representation of a monetary amount in a given currency, this library is extracted from Mattt Thompson’s latest book on numerical data types. I find the idea of including the currency itself along with the value interesting, especially when it can then be used to prevent things like equality checks for values where the currencies differ.
This is a really nice idea from Guilherme Rambo. It’s also a great excuse to check out a class that you may not be familiar with, NSDataAsset.
Adding some well placed artwork to your app can make all the difference to what people feel when they use it. There obvious case for using artwork to fill out an “empty state” screen in your app, but where else should you be looking to add some tactically placed illustrations? Nick Babich has some suggestions.