official design resources page, but no longer! There’s now Sketch, Photoshop and Adobe XD files for macOS as well as iOS and dark mode assets are included too! 🎉
After last week’s links to Wormholy and the instructions on how to show single touches in the iOS Simulator I had a message from Dariusz Bukowski about his debugging framework that does so many things I can’t list them all here. I’m not usually a fan of big all-encompassing frameworks for anything, but it doesn’t matter when they’re debug only! Worth checking out.
I think the logic goes something like this. YAML files are simple and human readable, .xcodeproj
files are complex and opaque bundles of settings at multiple levels that can be hard to merge when working with a team. Can we generate an xcodeproj from a YML file and solve all our woes? Wolfgang Lutz gives it a try with xcodegen.
Are you looking for engaged beta testers who actually want to use your app? This site from Nathan Broyles aims to connect testers who are interested in getting beta access to apps, with developers who are looking for testers. There’s not much on the site yet, but this is a great idea.
The original version of this article is from 2014, but with the deprecation of UIWebView Mattt Thompson has given it an update for iOS 12 and Mojave. if you’ve been putting off the migration from old to new, read this.
Dave DeLong with a two part piece on conditional compilation. Part 1 has a nice technique for using .xcconfig
files to make your conditions clearer and part 2 follows on with a better way to achieve the same thing by using a fairly obscure Xcode setting.
Metal is a little bit too low level for me to dabble in (I did do some OpenGL training once, and it convinced me I was happier in higher level APIs) but if you’ve always wanted to get started with Metal this two part (1, 2) set of articles from Warren Moore is going to be worth a read.
Frank A. Krueger on using Python, F# and CoreML to predict code completion in Continuous, his C# IDE for iPad.
It’s fun to see it hallucinating variable names and data structures.
With sentences like that, how could this article not be good. Read it, it’s great.
Joshua Emmons on a really nice application of overriding the ~=
Taime Koe with an fantastic article on how sometimes design decisions that seem tiny can actually have a big impact on your app. I loved the linking of corner shapes to font choice as well, that’s something I’d never have considered.
I came across these Appdevcon videos when Ash Furrow posted about his talk from there this week. I looked a little closer though and all of the talks are posted there, but with only a few hundred views between them all, let’s fix that by all going to spend a few hours watching them this weekend.
They’re everywhere… 😂