The other side of the Twitter Innovator Patent Agreement story from Marco Arment where he explains why it isn’t quite perfect yet.
Xcode 4.4 is really shaping up to be a great feature release, I just hope they also nail the stability problems as well. Fingers crossed.
No more hacking around with UIAlertView subviews with CODialog, a zero-image, styleable and customisable drop in replacement by Erik Aigner.
Everything you ever wanted to know about nib loading on iOS and Mac OS X, and more.
This OpenStreetMap based MapKit replacement looks like it might be a nice solution if you want an alternative to the Google tiles.
David Mendels with a comprehensive getting started walkthrough for Parse, building a simple chat client using Parse as a back end.
Matt Gemmell on crafting the perfect UI for iOS.
The battle over skeumorphism rolls on, I liked this take on it by Tobias Ahlin.
Daniel Steinberg with a short book on using Kiwi to do TDD with your iOS apps. People talked about how iBooks Author might lead to people producing shorter, more focused books and that is exactly what Daniel has done.
More Core Audio goodness this week with this book by iZotope, available in PDF format or from the iBookstore.