
Happy new year everyone! 🎊

There's been lots of talk about Marzipan apps recently, and not all of it has been positive. 😂 I want to add my voice to the conversation, mainly to say that we should be careful what we criticise at this point! I think it's important to make a clear distinction between what has been officially released, and what hasn't even been previewed yet.

Mojave's Marzipan apps: News, Home, Stocks and Voice Memos are fully released, non-beta apps that ship pre-installed with the operating system. They are absolutely fair game for being criticised. In my opinion though, Marzipan itself shouldn't be judged yet. The only official information we have is still just a few slides from the WWDC keynote and everything else is from spelunking or assumptions based on the Mojave apps.

It's certainly true that Mojave's Marzipan apps are not great. I won't go over the points that have been made by other people, but I mostly agree with them.

I do want to urge caution with those who are jumping from criticising those apps, to assuming that everything produced with the framework will be similar. The internal version of Marzipan that was used to build those apps is virtually unchanged from regular UIKit. In fact, you can even take a simulator build of an iOS app and convert it! 🚀

I have no idea what's going to be presented at this year's WWDC, but I do know it's not going to be the same framework that was used to build Mojave's Marzipan apps. I'm not expecting huge changes, but there's a good reason they didn't release a developer preview last year. My hope is that the last 12 months have been spent refining and extending UIKit to be a great fit on macOS.

I'm excited to see what the official release brings, and whether we see more of macOS being built with it. I'm very hopeful we'll be using it to make amazing macOS apps for years to come though.

Dave Verwer  





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