A few days by the sea with a load of other Mac and iOS devs? Sign me up! Actually I already signed up as I am speaking there (but don’t let that put you off booking!).
I think there is a real opportunity for someone to create a reliable, flexible hosted REST back end for iOS apps and it looks like several companies are trying to do just that. I linked to Parse a couple of weeks ago and this week I came across StackMob who also look really interesting.
Mike Ash with a great recap of some techniques you will probably be familiar with for defining constants in C/Obj-C along with a technique you might not be so familiar with for cutting down on the ugly by using structs to namespace constants.
A new open source networking library by Gowalla. I was hooked as soon as I read “If you’re tired of massive libraries that try to do too much…” and sure enough this looks really good so far.
Of course, there are other ways to uniquely identify an iOS device rather than using the UDID.
Ryan Dillon on creating a circular scrolling control. If you haven’t done much with drawing using Core Animation layers then this is a great introductory article to dig into.
More Core Animation goodness! Bob McCune with a repo full of a great set of CA demos from a Minnesota CocoaHeads meeting earlier this year.
For everyone who has ever tried to ship a quality piece of software. Inspiring.
A subject close to my heart which I have spoken about several times, Retro Dreamer give an excellent overview of how to build a great media kit to have available when you market your apps.