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Issue 436

27th December 2019

Written by Dave Verwer


Happy Holidays! 🎄 I hope you’re all enjoying time with friends and family, getting some much-needed rest, enjoying some side-project time, or maybe a bit of all three!

You may remember the holiday issue last year was a best-of “And Finally…”. I wrote a bit about why that section of the newsletter exists and included the ten links that entertained me most throughout the year. The feedback from that issue was great, and “And Finally…” remains the most popular link in almost every issue of the newsletter. So…

… let’s do it again for 2019, shall we? 👍

Dave Verwer

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And finally...

So here they are, the ten “And Finally…” links that entertained me the most this year:

Thank you to everyone who made me smile this year, you’re all amazing.

See you all next Friday, in 2020! 🎊 Oh, and if you find yourself with free time over the holidays, don’t forget that the iOS Developer Community Survey is still collecting data for a few more days!