
I’ve been poking around the results from the iOS Developer Community Survey again this week, specifically looking at the questions relating to Swift on the server. I ended up putting together a quick piece on how Swift on the server is doing. I’ll not spoil the conclusions I came to here, but I’d love it if you gave it a read.

I’d also like to reiterate my invitation to you all to get involved in this analysis. I think it'd be a shame if it were only ever my opinion in these articles, and I’d love to change that! I’ve had several promising conversations with people, but nothing that ended with written words yet. Don’t worry if you’ve not done any data analysis before. It's just writing down your opinion on the results! I’ll also provide editing help and advice along the way, and of course, you’ll receive full credit for your writing. Just hit reply to this email if you’d like to get involved. 🚀

Dave Verwer  



While I'm on the subject of thanks, I've had a few messages recently from people asking if they can buy me a coffee for writing the newsletter. It always makes my day to receive any kindness about what I write here, but I don't currently have any way you can give me money! If you'd like to support iOS Dev Weekly, and ensure that it continues, please do check out each week's sponsored link. Thank you. ❤️



Business and Marketing


iOS Framework Engineer @ Apple – The Interactive Media Group at Apple is looking for a highly motivated iOS Framework Engineer to design and develop an analytics framework for all of Apple’s operating systems. You'll be a critical part of a team focused on providing end-to-end infrastructure and tools to enable Apple Engineers, working on media-related features like video and audio streaming, FaceTime, and similar software. – Cupertino, CA


If your company is hiring, I need your help. Please do me a huge favour and let your hiring managers know that they can post free iOS development job listings on iOS Dev Jobs. Thank you. ❤️


And finally...

This is hilarious. My favourite part is at ~48 seconds when Kathy Happy joins the conversation. 😂