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Issue 60

21st September 2012

Written by Dave Verwer


Happy iPhone 5 day everyone.

Dave Verwer


UDID Replacement APIs in iOS 6

So now that the NDA has lifted we can finally talk about iOS 6 openly. Ole Begemann starts us off with a review of the new iOS 6 APIs for replacing the deprecated uniqueIdentifier.

PSA: Do not release ARMv7s code until you have tested it

It should go without saying that you shouldn’t release code that hasn’t been run on a real device but this post by Pierre Lebeaupin reiterates the advice. It seems brave (or something) for Xcode 4.5 to enable this by default so beware.


Using Network Link Conditioner in iOS 6

The Network Link Conditioner that was introduced on the Mac with 10.7 comes to iOS 6. Rejoice at not having to cripple your Mac network connection to test your app on a slow network.

Remote Packet Capture for iOS devices

Continuing the networking theme Keith Harrison on examining network data from a real device on your Mac using a remote virtual interface rather than a proxy.

What are the theoretical and practical weaknesses of Objective-C?

Rob Rix on Quora talking some of the design weaknesses of Objective-C and offering some suggestions on how some of them could be fixed in future iterations of the language.

Dash Plugin for Xcode

Xcode plugin producing machine, Ole Zorn with another one this week. This time for replacing the built in documentation viewer with the excellent Dash.



Since the announcement of iOS 6 with UICollectionView Pete Steinberger has been beavering away on PSTCollectionView which is an iOS 4.3+, API compatible clone. Wonderful.

Hacking up an armv7s library

More on armv7s from Matt Galloway who has been hacking around to produce a small utility to fatten up your libraries with fake armv7s binaries. I would again echo his advice to use extreme caution using this in a shipping app but it still makes an interesting article.

OpenSSL build script for iOS

A super easy build script for OpenSSL for iOS. If you need to ship OpenSSL I can’t imagine there is an easier way to build it than this.



The skeuomorphic debate rolls on and Austin Carr interviews a former Apple designer on the subject. I couldn’t agree more with the answer to his first question talking about how skeuomorphism has two sides and is both how something looks but also how something behaves.

iPhone 5 Design Resource Roundup

A comprehensive list of iPhone 5 design resources, templates and Photoshop actions from Jayson Lane. I noticed that Apple do not have marketing resources available for the iPhone 5 yet so this is a nice stopgap until they arrive.