
What a week! I hope you all enjoyed WWDC as much as I did. I made time to watch quite a few session videos this year, and of course, seeing our work on Ready for Swift 6 in the Platform State of the Union absolutely made my year.

As I always say, I won’t try and recap everything from the conference in today’s issue. We have the whole summer to explore this week’s announcements, so let’s take our time. 👍

I want to write about this article on Private Cloud Compute today. The article is published on a security research blog, and as you’d expect it’s a detailed piece, but it’s designed to be much more than just a technical overview, this is also a marketing document.

There are so many obvious examples of Apple being great at marketing, from the iconic, to the funny, to the clever. But that marketing has to be backed up with great products to be effective. The iPod was an amazing portable music player, they got away with being cheeky with the Mac vs PC adverts because the Mac is a great computer, and there really was no step three!

Apple centres a lot of current marketing around privacy, and claims around privacy are much harder to prove than how good an mp3 player is. It comes down to trust at some point, but that’s built on years of taking the subject very seriously. From differential privacy to the secure enclave¹, Apple talks about privacy at every opportunity and it was at the heart of Monday’s Apple Intelligence announcements.

For Private Cloud Compute and Apple Intelligence to be successful Apple needs everyone to believe that it’s meaningfully more private than the alternatives, and for everyone who uses it to believe that privacy still matters.

We are constantly challenged to give up aspects of privacy with each cookie permission click-through and every pundit saying that privacy is dead. Apple’s first job is to show that it doesn’t need to be that way. Once that’s done, it must prove that Apple Intelligence is meaningfully different from the competition and this document and others are a key part of that. Even if your average consumer will never read documents like these, they influence people who write about Apple. You could call it full-stack marketing, and it’s very effective.

It also helps Apple say “What we’re doing is unique so it can’t be compared to our competition”, but talking about that will have to wait for another day

¹ Note that these features both have names so good that I could recall them without looking them up. That’s also part of great marketing.

Dave Verwer  



From what I saw on social media, the various community events this week have been hugely successful. It’s hard to know how things were in Cupertino from 5,000 miles away, but watching from afar, the One More Thing (OMT) conference was a huge success and brought some focus to the community events throughout the week. I reached out to J’aime Ohm, organiser of OMT, and it looks like my hunch was correct. They welcomed hundreds of attendees and volunteers from all over the world, including a local dairy farmer who provided complimentary milk as refreshment for everyone! 🐮 In addition to being a great conference, providing a “base” for people during WWDC week is truly valuable. I’m so happy it was a success and hope to see it run for many years!

Also, if you’re still in the Cupertino area today, it’s not over. There’s a closing party from 1:30pm to 5pm (Pacific time, obviously! 😂) at the Residence Inn TODAY. Join the OMT conference team, all the OMT attendees, and James Dempsey for his famous “Recap of the Week” song, and finish your week in style! 🎸






And finally...