
Last week’s downtime on Curated set me thinking about this newsletter and about the fact it has been the same format for a very long time now.

That’s no accident, of course. A collection of links to community-written posts along with news articles, an opinion piece from me, and a light-hearted link to finish is a format that has worked well for many years. Why fix what isn’t broken?

My process of writing the newsletter has been the same for years, too, so much so that I turned that workflow into a product in 2014. I sold that product in 2016 and it’s been sold a couple more times since then, including a recent sale to Buttondown. In the eight years since I originally sold Curated, it has always been incredibly stable but the product hasn’t improved much, either. In some ways, that’s a testament to how right we got the original design of the system, but in others it’s a little disappointing. Add in some recent stability issues, and having a backup plan is definitely on my mind!

The truth is that I’m bored with the “Curated format” too, and I think something needs to change. I’d also love to make some technical changes, like being able to completely remove all click and read analytics, which isn’t possible with Curated. It’s also long overdue a visual refresh.

Before I take any drastic decisions, though, I want to get a bit of feedback so I put together a short survey to see what you all enjoy most about this newsletter. It should only take a couple of minutes to fill in, so I’d be incredibly grateful if you would let me know how you feel. Thank you! ❤️

That said, don’t expect a complete and total change of everything. I’m still a big believer that it’s critical that I showcase articles published by other people as well as writing my own commentary. Think of what’s going to happen as more of an adjustment than a revolution.

Dave Verwer  




And finally...

Sosumi or Sonumi? 🎶