Open source can be a thankless task. I wasn’t the biggest fan of this library but some of the things that were said about it this week were definitely not said constructively.
Much talk of Windows 8 this week, I liked Marco’s take on it.
I will totally admit to being paranoid about this with Xcode 3 and deleting the build directory rather than using the Clean tool. The tip of holding option while using the Clean tool totally scratches my OCD itch.
A package manager for Objective-C libraries? It is early days but has potential. They are looking for contributors if you fancy getting involved.
I’ll just leave this here.
I can’t imagine a Friday Q&A that I wouldn’t want to link to. This follows on from last week by taking a deep look at reference counting by building an implementation of it.
Ray Wenderlich with a nice Objective-C cheat sheet and along with links to some others.
For those of us who have an interest in the history of iOS, this is an interesting interview with John Sculley about his time at Apple.
Brent Simmons on code quality. I couldn’t agree more about having an attitude of coding like someone else is going to review your code, especially as a solo developer. Good advice.