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Issue 86

22nd March 2013

Written by Dave Verwer

We love discovering new things in iOS Dev Weekly. Do you?

The MindSea team is always looking for ways to improve, which is why we sponsored this week’s issue. We’re proud to work on incredible apps like Pocketbooth, Etchings, and Percolator, and we’re always looking for new challenges. If you spend your time breaking on objc_msgSend, tweaking animations in slow-motion, and reloading the WWDC page over and over, we want you on our team.


Unique Identifiers, iPhone 5 Support and Retina Artwork

Two big review process changes from Apple this week. The first is that finally the UDID change which has been hanging around for a while now will come into effect on May 1st and no new apps or app updates will be accepted if they still access the unique identifier of an iOS device. The second change which I have linked to specifically here is a little more surprising, no apps or updates will be approved without support for retina artwork and the 4” phone screen. I am all in favour of this rule, everyone should already be doing this but I still feel that this one may take some people by surprise when the rejections start coming through in June.


So this is an interesting one, Audiobus is a library which uses the audio multitasking features of iOS to allow apps to pipe audio between themselves acting as either audio source, audio processor or audio input. Audiobus has been around for a while now but the reason it’s making the news this week is that (shockingly?) it was integrated into GarageBand for iOS this week. Is this Apple dipping its toe into inter-app communication or is it just adding a cool feature to GarageBand? Either way, an interesting story.


WWDC 2013 Ticket Sales Notification

It’s that time of the year again. With WWDC Alerts not running this year Oisin Prendiville has started up a paid service performing the same job, get a phone call or SMS when tickets go on sale. The interesting bit with this service is that you can pay to jump the queue so the question has to be, just how badly do you want that WWDC ticket?

WWDC Alert App

Or, if you want the notification checked right there in your own pocket then Rahul Matta has put together a small app which uses location services to schedule a repeating background check of the WWDC site and checks for changes. Me? I’m using both of these.


Attaching NSLogger Logs to HockeyApp Crash Reports

While crash logs can be extremely helpful, sometimes you need just a little more information to find that bug. Tim Brückmann writes about how to get NSLogger log data encoded and attached to your HockeyApp crash reports. Viewing the data after it has been submitted is a bit of a pain but this could certainly be useful if you are trying to track down an awkward bug.


The Amazing Audio Engine

Talking of Audiobus, Michael Tyson who developed Audiobus has this week released “The Amazing Audio Engine”. This looks to have been in development for a year or so now but has been open sourced this week. Built on top of Core Audio it exposes an easier to use interface to Audio Units, filtering, mixing and all sorts of other stuff. I am no audio developer so I won’t pretend to know what I am talking about here but if you are then you should certainly check this out.


Joel Levin with an implementation of the API in Objective-C. It looks to already be a fairly hefty project which may be expected as it supports 100% of the features of the API. If you were looking for an MGTwitterEngine for then this may be your answer.


Javier Soto with a category on NSError to include a stack trace of the creation of every NSError along with the error itself. One for the debugging toolbox.


More debugging goodness from Conrad Kramer with a small category which adds return and parameter type information when logging out a block, useful. Looking through the source was also an good introduction to some of the metadata available on a block as well.


Typography for Developers on Vimeo

If you don’t know your leading from your kerning or your ligatures from your point sizes, this short video from Jeff Heaton will set you down the right track. We are lucky to have a platform with fantastic support for beautiful typography, the least we can do is learn more about it.

Checkboxes that kill your product

Alex Limi of Mozilla with a humble article on the perils of design by committee and how there are several application breaking check boxes in Firefox. Generally I think iOS and Mac developers are pretty well behaved when it comes to not adding preference after preference to our apps but I thought this was a nicely written article which might serve as a nice reminder to keep us on the straight and narrow when it comes to check boxes.

Business and Marketing

Child Friendly In-App Purchase UI

I think it’s fairly obvious that In-App purchases are here to stay but including them in apps which are either designed for or attractive to children has been a huge point of contention so far. This review of “The Word Monsters” from Mind Connex highlights an interesting technique which I hadn’t come across before. Hiding the In-App purchases behind a small puzzle designed to prevent accidental purchases. I really like this idea.

And finally...

Regarding fake projects and loyalty tests

I’m not surprised that this wasn’t true but it’s reassuring to hear the rumours of fake projects inside Apple were not real.