How do Apple intend to make Cocoa more Swifty? Why you should consider *all* the view controllers and how to get your first iOS job.
Parse shuts down. Writing your own networking API clients and what on earth is vibrating colour?
Are Apple launching an official training curriculum? Is your Swift app taking too long to compile? and how to use #available.
iOS 9.3, Xcode 7.3 and iTC updates. CoreDragon brings drag and drop to your iPad apps and How does 🍑 onboard you.
Details of the Swift 2.2 release process. Refactoring for Swift projects and should all apps be purchasable from the web?
Happy New Year!
Taking a break for the holidays.
Phil Schiller takes responsibility for the App Stores. Craig Federighi on the Talk Show & the a community proposal is accepted to the Swift project.
Open source Swift, one week on. How does Swift implement weak pointers? and how is the Apple TV App Store doing? is here! New package managers and Foundation being re-implemented in Swift. What a week!